Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Moody Face

One of my daughter's favorite hobbies is being moody. Here's one of the tricks I sometimes try to turn a mood around.

First lets prove something to yourself. Try to think yourself into feeling very sad. Honestly try to FEEL sad.


Now think of your face. I guarantee you are frowning. Try the opposite, think of yourself feeling happy. Your face will initiate you feeling happy by smiling. That's the trick: your face can initiate the feeling.

Everybody knows that your face reflects your emotions. However, the opposite is also true: your face can affect your inner emotions. Start smiling and you will begin feeling happier. Knowing that your facial expression can affect how you feel, I just need to trick my daughter into smiling to lift her bad mood.

I ask her to show me lots of different faces knowing that I will end with a few happy faces.

Show me your face when you're sleeping.
What would Daddy's face look like if he hit his thumb with a hammer?
What would you look like if you wanted to look pretty at a dance?
What does a crazy person's face look like?
What face do you make when you see your birthday cake?
What would your face look like if you were flying with Peter Pan?
What face do you make if you want to be friends with someone?
Etc etc.

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